Changes from IR to IR
Original version: | IR (Version 1) |
Status: | Modified |
Submitted: | 12.02.2024, 15:09 |
New version: | IR (Version 2) |
Status: | Accepted |
Submitted: | 13.05.2024, 17:19 |
No changes
Motion text
From line 138 to 147:
Majorities needed for decisions:
Activity Report of present year: 2/3In principle, all decisions must be made with an absolute majorityin favourofpresent votes at the General Assembly is requiredvote, unless determined otherwise.
Financial Report of present year:2/3 majority in favour of present votes at the General Assembly is required.
In case of disapproval by the General Assembly, the Activity and the Financial Report for the previous year has to be redone by the new Executive Committee based on the commentsOnly final adoption ofthe GA within the next 2 months and distributed totheMOs. For approval aorganisational documents (IRPs, Political Platform, Statutes) require 2/3 majorityin favour of all MOs by email is needed within 30 days.
From line 151 to 180:
- For
becoming member in the CDN Executive Committee a 2/3 majority in favour of all present votes attheGeneral Assembly is required.
- For
If several candidates get more than two third majority in favourelection ofall present votes thanthehighest number of votes in favour will decide.
If one or more candidates get less than 2/3Secretary-General, a candidate must secure a majorityin favourof all present votes at the GeneralAssembly, then in case of:
1 candidate:Assembly.the place inIn theExecutive Committee remains empty
2 candidates:event that no candidate achieves an absolute majorityof present votesinfavour attheGeneral Assembly infirst round, a secondround is required. If both candidates get more than an absolute majority than the candidate with the highest number of votes in favour will pass. In case there is a draw among the candidates, the nextround of votingshouldwill bedone among those twoconducted.The candidate with a higher number of votes and absolute majority will becomeIf, after thenext member of EC. In case there issecond round, no candidate secures adraw again or none of the candidates reach absolutemajority,the spot intheEC will be left vacant.
3 or more candidates: Thecandidate with the highest number of votesconsidering they have absolute majority in favour in the second roundwillpass. In case there is a draw among two or more candidates, the next round of the voting shouldbedone among those candidates. The candidate with a higher number of votes and absolute majority will becomeselected for thenext memberposition ofECSecretary-General. In the casethere is a draw again a third roundofelection should take place. In case there isadraw again or none of thetie among candidatesreach absolute majority, the spotin theEC will be left vacant.
From line 184 to 191:
Statutesecond round, subsequent rounds of votingprocedure is explained in detail in the Statuteswill occur until one candidate obtains a majority.
IRP voting procedure:
Simple amendments require absolute majority in favour of all present votes at the General Assembly;
Whole Chapters require 2/3 majorityFor becoming member infavour of present votes attheGeneral Assembly;
Whole document requiresCDN Executive Committee a 2/3 majority in favour of all present votes at the General Assembly is required.
From line 193 to 198:
Political Platform voting procedure:
Simple amendments require absolute majority in favour of all present votes at the General Assembly;
Whole Chapters requireIf more candidates secure a 2/3 majorityin favourofpresentvotesat the General Assembly;
Whole document requires 2/3 majorityinfavour of all present votes atfavor than there are available seats, theGeneral Assembly.
From line 200 to 219:
The Strategy statement, resolutions and any other documents of CDN requires an absolute majority in favour of all present votes atcandidate with theGeneral Assembly.
The Financial Planhighest number ofCDN requires a 2/3 majorityvotes in favourof all present votes at the General Assembly. The Financial Plan has to be approved before closing the General Assemblywill decide.
The Activity Plan of CDN requires aIf one or more candidates get less than 2/3 majority in favour of all present votes atthe General Assembly.
In case of disapproval, changes can be done during the meeting to put the Activity Plan of CDN for the present year to vote again. In case of further disapproval, a new Activity Plan for the present year based on the comments ofthe GeneralAssembly has to be done by the new elected Executive Committee and distributed to the Member organisations within 2 months for voting by email. A 2/3 majority in favour of all Member organisations is required within 30 days.
Activity and Financial Report should be presented in comparison with respective Activity and Financial Plan for the same year (adopted on previous GA), including deviations and reasons for the same.Assembly,
Delete in line 305:
- eventually Vice-Chairperson
- eventually Vice-Chairperson
Insert after line 307:
- Further responsibilities and tasks are defined by Internal Delegation Order, which outlines the authority granted to one or more individuals to make decisions on behalf of CDN, as well as the procedures involved, where applicable. It is adopted by the Executive Committee on an annual basis with 2/3 majority, detailed proceudres are defined within the document.
Delete from line 311 to 343:
- financial report to the MOs and POs at the General Assembly at the end of their
- financial report to the MOs and POs at the General Assembly at the end of their
- These Executive Committee positions are to be chosen by Executive Committee members from amongst themselves and this decision has to be published.
- In case of the lack of capacities, the Executive Committee has a right to delegate a person outside of the EC (member of MO, OO, alumni, WG member, etc.) to represent CDN on certain occasions. A written report has to be presented to the Executive Committee during 10 days after the end of the event.
All EC members should be coming from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and located in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, or the neighbouring regions (EU/EEA, North Africa, Middle East, Central Asia) during the wholemandate. An exception can be made if EC member travels to different region for a maximum of 2 months period. In case this is not satisfied, the EC has the right to replace this EC member according to point 3.1.10.
- All Executive Committee Members are obliged to respect and represent the wider interests of CDN and not solely represent the interests of their organisation.
Executive Committee tasks include the following:
- Work on the implementation of CDN’s Activity Plan, approved by the General Assembly (including project writing, coordination, implementation and reporting);
- Maintaining close and continuous communication with Member organisations;
- Monitoring work-flow of the Working Groups;
- Representing and promoting CDN during its and partners’ activities;
- Answering challenges and making decisions throughout the year, between GAs, based on the CDN Strategy and CDN’s best interest;
Actively participating in the regular (biweekly) EC meetings.
- Keeping track of the well-being of CDN’s Office
Insert after line 344:
- These Executive Committee positions are to be chosen by Executive Committee members from amongst themselves and this decision, alongside adopted delegation order, has to be published after the first in-person EC meeting.
- In case of the lack of capacities, the Executive Committee has a right to delegate a person outside of the EC (member of MO, OO, alumni, WG member, etc.) to represent CDN on certain occasions. A written report has to be presented to the Executive Committee during 10 days after the end of the event.
- All EC members should be coming from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and located in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, or the neighbouring regions (EU/EEA, North Africa, Middle East, Central Asia) during the whole mandate. An exception can be made if EC member travels to different region for a maximum of 2 months period. In case this is not satisfied, the EC has the right to replace this EC member according to point 3.1.10.
- All Executive Committee Members are obliged to respect and represent the wider interests of CDN and not solely represent the interests of their organisation.
- Executive Committee tasks include the following:
- Making strategic and political decisions concerning the organisation during their term - based on the strategy and CDN's best interst;
- Contribute to the implementation of Activity Plan, shaping and adhering to the political direction while ensuring alignment with the strategy;
- Maintaining close and continuous communication with Member organisations;
- Monitoring work-flow of CDN structures;;
- Representing and promoting CDN during its and partners’ activities;
- Actively participating in the regular online and in-person EC meetings .
- Keeping track of the well-being of CDN’s Office
Insert in line 393:
Working groups and Action teams:
Insert from line 432 to 433:
- content, should be reviewed and confirmed by the EC and/or Secretariat.
- Action Teams are comprised of three or more people who collaborate to accomplish specific aims or objectives within the organisation. These teams are formed to initiate and execute projects, actions, or campaigns aimed at advancing CDN's mission and goals. Action Teams operate under the guidance and approval of the Executive Committee, ensuring alignment with the organisation's Political Platform.
Insert in line 447:
The Secretary General is elected for a two-year term by the General Assembly. Pre-selection of candidates is carried out by Executive Committee in accordance with the delegation order. Candidates not selected by the Executive Committee can still run for the position and present themselves at the General Assembly minding that they will not have support of the Executive Committee. Final decision is made by the General Assembly. The term of the Secretary General may be extended once but cannot exceed two terms in total. The duration served as an "interim Secretary General" does not count toward the official mandate duration.