Proposer: | Executive Committee (decided on: 07.03.2025) |
AP: Activity Plan 2025-26
Resolution text
The Work Plan (WP) aims to support green youth organisations in Eastern Europe
to build resilience for operating within environments characterised by
democratic backsliding and deterioration of democratic values, and maintain
capacity to advocate for improvement of democratic processes to counter these
The first phase, Resillience Building Summer Camp will take placein Chisinau,
Moldova, hosted by Gutta-Club on 7-13th July 2025. It will on one hand provide
the space for representatives of green youth organisations of EE to synthesise
and share their experiences of democratic backsliding, recognise patterns and
trends, and learn about where these trends come from and how to counter them,
and on the other, equip them with skills and knowledge on tools of resistance
and advocating for upholding of democratic values and processes. Moreover, it
will set the stage for the second phase of the WP and provide them with
opportunities to conceptualise dissemination activities and collective actions
in order to apply everything learned during this activity within their
organisations and local communities.
After the Summer Camp, there will be open call for participants and other
organisations for the Resillience Building Local Actions that will bring the
knowledge gained at summer camp on the local and regional levels. CDN will
support them to disseminate everything learned within their organisations and
wider communities, as well as to organise actions aimed at advocating for
upholding of democratic values and processes in their countries and regions of
This year Regional Meeting will be another time merged with Summer Camp. It will
focus on the specific topic being the leading part of our new project with Green
Forum, i. e. political autonomy of youth wings. We will focus on creating the
short definition of political autonomy common for all regions, as well as
exchange the good practices for one of the most important part of it, so
membership management and recruitment.
The Study Session „Art and Cultural Cooperation of Green European Youth“ will be
conducted together with Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG) in European
Youth Centre Strassbourg, 29.09-5.10. It aims to raise awareness of green and
progressive European youth about the role art and culture has in shaping
political processes and empower 35 young people to use creativity and innovation
for activism, political participation, fight against discrimination, and
creation of sustainable and inclusive future of European societies.
CDN will strive to apply for European Youth Foundation’s Special Call for
Ukraine, either in the form of international activity, collaboration activity
with other organisations, or (cross)regional meeting. The specific topic and
desing will be decided by new EC, following the consultations with Member
The General Assembly (GA) the highest decision-making body of our network that
will take place on 29-30th March, hosted by Zeleni prozor. The GA will elect the
new Executive Committee (EC), hear and adopt reports and plans, adopt
resolutions and amendments to the documents, approve/reject candidate members of
the Network and - most notably - discuss and adopt new Political Platform. The
General Assembly will include public conference with delegates and partners
introducing the topic of resillience building in our work.
2026 General Assembly will be an opportunity to take a deeper look at the
functioning of the network in the mid-term of the strategy. Hence, it will be
more internal event, gathering less people. As the network grows, the new
Executive Committee will need to find a way to organise next GAs in a
sustainable way (see: Financial plan). Tentative dates for 2026 General Assembly
are end of March/Early April. Call for host organisation will be published in
October 2025 and be selected by the end of November. The 2024-25 Executive
Committee recommends taking into account applications sent in 2024 also in the
next year, as there were outstanding applications.
We will continue increasing productivity and effectiveness of live EC Meetings.
During 2024-25 we will organise 3 EC Meetings (plus on GAs) instead of 4 as in
previous years. EC Meetings will be hence more focused, better prepared, with
agenda and important documents sent in advance. We will especially improve the
transfer period, so that newly elected EC can start their work immediately after
the GA.
In this year we will focus on strategical objective of further
professionalisation of CDN by improving internal management, governance, and
transfer of knowledge. One of the most important task for the 2025-26 Executive
Commitee will be rewriting CDN Internal Rules of Procedure. The new document is
intended to better reflect the organisation’s practice and be more
understandable to MOs. We will work also on the internal documents that needs
refining: Executive Committee guidelines; Office Transfer document or
Communication Strategy.
We will strive to open the first internship programme in 2025 or 2026 to help in
office work and further empower our activists and give them long-term
opportunities. The scope of the interns' work will be communications and
projects. The timeline and exact shape of the internship will be decided by the
new EC.
In 2025, we will focus on enhance the CDN external communication, both in terms
of substantive content, as of methods and channels. This will allow us to reach
different target groups, both within the movement and beyond them. In terms of
substantive content, the new political platform will allow us to create more
posts on various topics, not only being reactive to recent developments or
adjusted to our activities‘ topics. Regarding methods,
We will continue good practices on cooperation with other green organisations in
Europe from last year, especially regarding the contacts and common activities
with Federation of Young European Greens. We will also continue to attend the
events of European Green Party, Green European Foundation and other
organisations, try to build partnership with other Green foundations (as HBS
offices in the region) as well as increase our advocacy among them. We will also
strive to develop closer relations with our observer organisations and other
Green youth organisations in Europe.
We will continue networking and start new cooperations with other youth
organisations in Europe. Most notably, we will start cooperation with SAME
(Solidarity Action Day Movement in Europe) on the common project for 2026
"Solidarity Throughout Europe in combating Democratic Backsliding" that will
focus on advocacy, community engagement and building alliances as a way to
combat democratic backsliding in Europe. The project might engage other
international youth NGOs. We will also strive to become an observer in European
Youth Forum.