The current patriarchy disadvantages not only women but also men who do not suit the so-called traditional masculinity. This efficiently means that men with social issues - uneducated, poor, undersocialized - get discriminated against by both sides of the political spectrum: 1) from conservatives in means of not fulfilling “traditional male roles” and 2) from progressives in means of their substance as “male beings who are maintaining patriarchy”. We believe that particularly these are the reasons for the worsening well-being of males - in the Czech Republic, for example, in both age groups, 20-24 and 25-29, the overall cause of death from suicides is significantly higher for young males than for young women (26 % to 15 %, 25 % to 18 %).
Similarly, young males are more likely to be alt-right leaning. We recognize that this is caused by the subversion of social certainties in the neoliberal late-stage capitalism, which declines itself to proto-fascism. For young males, the ideology model often works through the mirror stage: they tend to find the role models in persons displaying toxic masculinity patterns because they 1) fulfil the patriarchal expectation for men (strength, power, wealth) to identify with, by which they 2) offer stable social grounds as an alternative to the neo-liberal order.
While we recognize the importance of positive discrimination as a functional tool in certain procedures, its psychological effect should not be that of real discrimination; the harm of a particular group. In that sense, we believe that certain groupism mirrored in the dichotomy of “discrimination” as such is a step back. On the contrary, we should align ourselves to the universal category of humanity.
We, therefore, believe that for those males (described above), we, as part of the green progressive leftist movement, should actively offer alternative spaces for self-fulfilment and participation against politics which we perceive as violently dangerous: particularist chauvinism, racism, sexism etc., all leading to authoritarianism. It is a question of security of our social systems at first, that is why we aligned it to the topic of this particular chapter.
With that, we still recognize the importance of fighting for rights of all minorities. Therefore, we do not mean to harm any minority with this statement. The meaning behind our reasoning and amendment is that of opposing and preventing certain trajectories, which we are witnessing in our modern reality.
List of resources: sebevraždy. accessed: 12.3. 2025.
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Small, C., & Lucia, A. (2022). United in misogyny: The manosphere - far-right nexus and marginalized masculinities.