A gender-neutral form has been added.
Proposer: | Belarus Young Greens (decided on: 13.03.2025) |
Status: | Published |
Submitted: | 13.03.2025, 12:37 |
Proposer: | Belarus Young Greens (decided on: 13.03.2025) |
Status: | Published |
Submitted: | 13.03.2025, 12:37 |
In case of vacation during their mandates, the Administration Council can assign
a replacement person who will act until mandate termination of the person he isthey are
replacing. The Administrators can be revoked by the General Assembly in session
The founder institutes hereby the Statutes for the Association and that in the
following manner:
The form of the Association is an international association with none lucrative
objective (with international benefits), in compliance to the laws and is being
named as the Cooperation and Development Network of Eastern Europe, in short the
In all acts, bills, announcements, publications and other pages issued by the
International Association having none lucrative objective a designation of the
Association must be mentioned with above or further added wording “International
Association without a lucrative objective” or the abbreviation IALO (AISBL) as
well as its’ seat address.
The social seat of the Association is to be set in the Brussels-Capital Region.
The administration body has the power to move the seat of the association within
Belgium, provided that such a move does not require a change in the language of
the statutes by virtue of the applicable language regulations. In case of
transfer of the seat to another Region, the administration body has the power to
modify the statutes.
As non-profiting Association with none lucrative objective, it has the following
strategies of international benefit:
The objectives quest shall specifically be executed through following
The Association can execute any act relating directly or indirectly to its
objectives. It can namely assist and get involved in all activities following
objectives being similar to own ones.
The Association is open to Belgian and foreign persons.
The Association is composed of factual members only, who are legal entities. The
members are divided into two categories: EU-members and non-EU members. EU-
members are organisations whose headquarters are located in the European Union
and which have a double right to vote in the General
Assembly. Non-EU members are organisations whose headquarters are located
outside the European Union and which benefit from a double triple right in the
General Assembly.
Number of members is not limited, while the minimum is set to be five(5).
Admission of new members is conditioned through following clauses:
Members can give their resignation under following conditions:
The members are free to withdraw at any time from the Association bypresenting
their written request to the President. The members having resigned have none
right relating to CDN property, nor can they request refunding of any of their
contribution fees. Administration Council can propose expulsion of an
Association member. The expulsion Decision can be pronounced by the General
Assembly, after having heard the defence of the person concerned, by a two-
thirds majority of the votes cast, not counting abstentions in the numerator or
The Administration Council can reschedule the case of the member contender until
the Decision of the General Assembly. Member can be deferred for duration of a
year according to proposition of the Administration Council or upon proposition
of the majority of the General
Assembly, in case when member in question has not settled payment of annual fee
A member can be expulsed if he does not respect the CDN Statutes.
A member who stops participating in Association’s activities (due to death or
otherwise), does not have any right to social funds.
Members pay fixed contribution, being fixed annually by General Assembly upon
proposition of the Administration Council and pursuant to financial means of the
Members must pay their contribution fee for the current year by the month of
September. In case of payment failure, rights of member in question will be
temporary suspended by the General Assembly, until payment of the contribution
fee is settled.
The General Assembly has full power enabling realization of objectives and
activities of the Association.
All members are its constituents.
Particularly, the following processes are essential for its functioning:
Excepting cases previewed by these Statutes, simple majority presented or
represented members is sufficient to bring resolutions. All members are informed
by electronic mail about the brought resolutions.
The Administrators are named by the General Assembly for a mandate that ends
during the next ordinary General Assembly, with a possibility of double renewal.
In case of vacation during their mandates, the Administration Council can assign
a replacement person who will act until mandate termination of the person he isthey are
replacing. The Administrators can be revoked by the General Assembly in session
with two-thirds majority of the votes cast.
The Council gathers twice a year or upon special convocation of two-thirds of
factual members.
The convocation is transmitted by post, fax, electronic mail and all other
communication ways.
One Administrator can be represented by another Administrator.
The Council can deliberate constructively only when at least two-thirds of its
factual or represented members are present. Its resolutions are brought with
simple majority of present or represented members. In case of voice divergences,
the vote of the President will be decisive.
If Administrator has directly or indirectly an opposing interest of patrimonial
nature towards a decision or an operation relating to the Administration
Council, he has to pass it to other Administrators before deliberation at the
Administration Council. His statement, as well as reasons justifying the
contrary interest of the head of the Administrator in question, should be stated
in the Minutes of the Administration Council who is to bring Decision. Beside
this, he should inform eventual supervisors about it. The Administration Council
describes in Minutes the disposition of Decision or operation with a
justification for the taken Decision as well as the patrimonial consequences for
the Association. The Managing Report should contain the complete Minutes. The
Administrator in question cannot deliberate on session of the Administration
Council relating to operation or Decision in question, nor can he take part in
the voting. This article will not apply when decisions of the Administration
Council relate to usual operations taken in normal conditions for the operations
of the same nature.
With exception of special authorization, any act inducing the Association,
signed by a delegated Administrator or by Secretary General acting alone, or by
a member of the Administration Council having particular authorization, does not
have to be justified to third parties, not even if demanded through announce.
The juridical actions in demanding or defending cases are to be followed by
Administration Council being represented by a designated Administrator or the
Secretary General acting alone or by a member of the Administration Council
having special authorization.
The financial year terminates on the 31 st December.
The Administration Council is expected to submit Balance Sheets for the past
financial year and following Financial Year Budget for approval of the General
Assembly to convene during the next assembly.
In the case previewed by the Law, the Administration Council will confer
financial control of the Association to one or several supervisors according to
own choice.
Without legal imposing, every proposition having for objective a modification of
statutes or dissolution of the Association should originate from Administration
Council or from at least (2/3) two-thirds of factual Association members.
The Administration Council is to inform members of the Association at least two
moths in advance prior to date of General Assembly which is to deliberate about
given proposition. Proposals for amendments to the statutes shall be
communicated in detail to the members at least fifteen days before the General
The General Assembly can properly perform only if two-thirds of members are
gathered, having deliberative, present or represented voting rights.
No decision shall be taken unless it is passed by a four-fifths majority of the
votes cast, not counting abstentions in the numerator or denominator.
Nonetheless, if that General Assembly does not gather two-thirds of the
Association members, a new General Assembly will be convoked in the same
conditions as above designated, which will then definitely and valuably decide
on the issue, with the same majority of four-fifths of votes, notwithstanding
number of present or represented members.
The decisions relating to vital issues such as social objective, attributions,
convocation ways, decision making of the general administration bodies, as well
as manner in which members are informed about the resolutions, conditions for
statutes modification, for dissolution, termination and assignment of
Association’ social patrimony shall all be established by an authentic act.
Thus, in compliance with the Law, resolution on modification of Association
objective (objectives) would have effect only following approval of the King
that would equally be published in the Belgian official journal. Other Decisions
on modifications of statutory mentions do not have to be submitted for
acceptance to the Belgian minister having competence or to his delegate.
In case of juridical or voluntary dissolution, the General Assembly will assign
one or more liquidators and will set liquidation of the Asociation.
After the liquidation, eventual net assets would be conferred to one juridical
person without a lucrative objective or private claims, being international or
not, in compliance to realization of an objective similar to the one of the
Association or at least not having a detrimental goal.
For the realization of these Statutes, all factual members or supporters,
administrator and liquidator, residing abroad, shall choose for residence the
social seat of the Association, where any communication for them can be properly
For everything not being covered by these Statues, it is through the Law that
the competence is to be sought, while the clauses being contrary to essential
stipulations are considered not written.
For any dispute between Association, its members, partners, obliging persons,
Administrators, supervisors and liquidators relating to the Association’s
affairs and to execution of present Statutes, exclusive competence is entrusted
to courts at region of the social seat, except if the Association has explicitly
renounced to that.
A gender-neutral form has been added.