Proposer: | CDN (decided on: 12.12.2024) |
IR: Internal Rules of Procedure
Motion text
These rules of procedure are supplementary and subordinate to the
Statutes of Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe,
hereinafter referred to as CDN.These rules of procedure regulate the implementation of the Statute.
- In case of contradiction between the Statute and the Rules of
Procedure, the former shall prevail.
General Assembly Rules of Procedure:
The rules of procedure for the efficient realization of the General
Assembly (GA) shall be shown and explained at the beginning of every
General Assembly.GA announcement and preparation:
The location of the General Assembly is to be decided by the
Executive Committee based on an open call for the host
organisation of the CDN General Assembly.The open call for the host organisation has to be sent at
least 120 days before the General Assembly by the Secretariat.- If the capacity allows, the study visit for potential host
organisation should be organised at least 45 days before
General Assembly. - The open call for amendments on the documents of CDN, open
call for new Member organisations and the open call for new
Executive Committee members have to be sent at least 60 days
before the General Assembly by the Secretariat. - These open calls are to be sent together with relevant
applications and other relevant information included. - The collection of all open calls, applications, working group
reports and other internal documents needed during the
preparation of the General Assembly is included in the file
called CDN General Assembly preparation – internal documents,
available in the Secretariat. - Changes of these internal documents from 2.2.6 are subject to
the EC decision and all of these changes should be presented
to the following General Assembly. - Application procedures for membership, and observership:
- The Executive Committee has to formulate a report on the
membership application. This report must be written
along the membership criteria. - The membership application has to be put on the agenda
of the General Assembly. - Representative of a candidate which is running for
membership, or observership has to present the
application. If no one to present the organisation is
present on the GA, someone from the EC has a mandate to
do it. - After the presentation of the application, one EC member
has to report from the Executive Committee on the
application membership to the General Assembly
- The Executive Committee has to formulate a report on the
- The draft agenda has to be decided by the Executive Committee.
- The announcement of the date and location of the General
Assembly has to be sent out by the Secretariat to all member
organisations 90 days in advance of the General Assembly. The
official invitation to the General Assembly including a draft
agenda has to be sent out 90 days in advance. - Each member organisation shall inform the Secretariat of the
names of their representatives at 45 days before the General
Assembly. Each Member and organisation can send as many
representatives as it can afford. - Every second delegate of MOs and POs has to pay participation
fee of 10 EUR, unless they are younger than 25. - Any member organisation may propose changes on the agenda. If
the proposal is sent five days before GA it has to be
circulated through the Network. - Amendments to the documents of CDN and resolutions can be
submitted by the Executive Committee, any Member organisation
or working group 15 days prior to the GA.- In case of amendments to amendments as well as
amendments to the resolutions the compromise can be
reached between the proposers during the GA and a new
version/alternative can be suggested. - Emergency resolutions can be submitted after the
deadline but no later than the opening of the General
Assembly. The Executive Committee should decide if the
resolution is eligible to be discussed and voted on.
- In case of amendments to amendments as well as
- Applications for new Member, and Observer organisations and
applications for new Executive Committee members have to be
submitted according to the Open call latest 30 days prior to
the GA. - If the minimum criteria from the Statutes are not met, the
Open call will be extended till the first day of the GA. - Amendments on the documents of CDN, applications for new
Member and organisations and applications for new Executive
Committee members (together with other necessary documents
requested in the call) will be sent to the Network at least 10
days before the General Assembly if sent to the Secretariat
until that point. - The legal fulfilment of all obligations of the General
Assembly described in Statutes and the IRPs has to be
validated by 2/3 majority of the present organisations before
the start General Assembly. This is verification that GA is
entitled to make valid decisions according to the quorum
prescribed by the Statutes and IRPs. - At least 30 days before the General Assembly Presidency,
consisting of at least 3 and maximum of 6 persons, is to be
selected by the EC of CDN and ratified by the GA. The main
responsibilities of the Presidency is to:- chair the meeting;
- give word to the presenters;
- read out the amendments;
- moderate the discussions;
- make the call for voting;
- count votes after each voting;
- make sure that voting and elections are taken according
to the IRPs and Statutes - take down the minutes of the GA
- The presidency members cannot be running for any positions, or
be members of organisations that are running for membership of
CDN, they should be unbiased and cannot make content-related
comments regarding any of the candidates or amendments. - The General Assembly has to approve the final agenda before
any further proceedings can take place. - Once approved, the agenda can be modified during the General
Assembly by 2/3 majority. - EC recommends the number of members to be elected for the new
EC. This recommendation should be announced in the call for
the EC candidates. The General Assembly confirms the decisions
by 2/3 majority.
Voting and elections:
- Every Member organisation has two votes on the General
Assembly. Votes can be distributed between one or two
delegates attending General Assembly. Candidates for the
Executive Committee do not have voting rights. - Unless otherwise determined, votes are taken by showing the
voting card. If any of the delegates propose secret voting it
should be put on vote and if passes by simple majority, secret
voting should take place - Each delegate entitled to a vote shall have a voting card.
- Elections for EC and candidate MOs, POs and OOs must be by
secret voting. - The quorum can be questioned at any time by any delegate.
- Definition of voting majorities:
- Present votes at the General Assembly: all registered
votes at the beginning of a General Assembly; - Supermajority : At least 2/3 of present votes;
- Absolute majority: 50% plus one vote of present votes;
- Simple majority: the highest number of all present
- Present votes at the General Assembly: all registered
- In principle, all decisions must be made with an absolute
majority of vote, unless determined otherwise. Only final
adoption of the organisational documents (IRPs, Political
Platform, Statutes) require 2/3 majority. - For the membership in CDN as a MO/OO a 2/3 majority in favour
of the present votes at the General Assembly is required. - For the election of the Secretary-General, a candidate must
secure a majority of all present votes at the General
Assembly. In the event that no candidate achieves an absolute
majority in the first round, a second round of voting will be
conducted. If, after the second round, no candidate secures a
majority, the candidate with the highest number of votes will
be selected for the position of Secretary-General. In the case
of a tie among candidates in the second round, subsequent
rounds of voting will occur until one candidate obtains a
majority. - For becoming member in the CDN Executive Committee a 2/3
majority in favour of all present votes at the General
Assembly is required. - If more candidates secure a 2/3 majority of votes in favor
than there are available seats, the candidate with the highest
number of votes in favour will decide. - If one or more candidates get less than 2/3 majority in favour
of all present votes at the General Assembly, an absolute
majority of present votes in favour at the General Assembly in
a second round is required. Then, in case of:- 1 Candidate: a second round of vote in conducted. If,
after this round candidate does not reach an absolute
majority, the seat remains vacant. - 2 or more candidates: The candidate with the highest
number of votes is elected, considering that they have
secured absolute majority.
- 1 Candidate: a second round of vote in conducted. If,
- Every Member organisation has two votes on the General
The Minutes are to be written by members of the presidency.
The Minutes are to be passed on from the Secretary General
within 21 days after the end of the General Assembly to all
Member and organisations.- The Minutes of the General Assembly has to include all
resolutions, decisions, motions and votes together with the
necessary explanatory information. - The list of the delegates is annexed to the minutes of the
Executive Committee rules and procedures:
- After the end of the General Assembly, the new Executive Committee
shall have its first meeting together with the members of the former
Executive Committee. - The summary of the minutes of the live EC meetings has to be
published latest 30 days after the EC meeting, unless there are
justified circumstances and accompanied by an explanation by the
Secretariat. - On every Executive Committee Meeting the last meeting’s minutes
should be checked and approved. - Each physical meeting should be announced to the Network at least 15
days prior to the meeting and regular e-meeting time should be
published at website - Comments, suggestions and proposals can be sent by any MO and these
motions have to be discussed during the meeting. - Each Executive Committee Meeting has a standard form for the Agenda
of the Meeting. This form should be completed and sent to the EC
list at least five days prior to the meeting. - The Agenda should be annexed by documents and information needed to
further explain points of the Agenda. - The list of issued calls and report of official correspondence
should be prepared for every Executive Committee Meeting. - The Executive Committee can make decisions on a non-objection basis
between the meetings, unless requested otherwise by one of the EC
members or by the Sec-Gen and in that case this issue has to be on
the Agenda on the following Executive Committee Meeting. - In case of EC member’s unnotified absence for over 30 days, the rest
of the EC has a right to co-opt a new person until the end of their
mandate upon:- exhausting the means of reaching out to the missing EC member;
- informing the Member Organisations about it.
- The new EC member should be co-opted by consensus of all the
remaining EC members after a dedicated discussion. When
possible, the new EC member will be elected in a democratic
way, via online election of registered delegates. This person
should be satisfying the EC candidate criteria stated in the
previous GA calls.
- In case of EC member’s notified absence for more than 45 days, the
EC has right to co-opt a new person based on the same principles as
in the previous point. Exceptions can be made for force majeure
situations like war, etc. - In case of SS violation or harm to the organisation by an EC member,
their continuation or termination of mandate can be decided by a 2/3
majority vote within the EC. If SS violator is a member of the
secretariat, their contract may be terminated by a 2/3 majority vote
from EC.The person who is subject to vote does not participate in
the voting, and the 2/3 majority is defined by the number of members
in the EC with a voting right. - The procedure for decisions on non-objection basis:
- A deadline shall be set by the Secretary General for the EC
members to give their vote on the issue concerned. - In case one of the EC member does not give their vote in due
time, their vote will be automatically counted as positive
(approval). - Derogation from this is accepted only if the respective EC
member has announced in advance to the rest of the EC and
Secretariat that they will not be available for communication
for a certain period of time that coincides with the decision-
making period. - In this case the decision is either postponed until all EC
members are available or the vote of the absent EC member will
be counted as they specify in their note of absence
- A deadline shall be set by the Secretary General for the EC
- The Executive Committee can establish financial regulations
concerning travel expenses for participants at any CDN activity or
meeting of CDN bodies within the confines of the Financial Plan.
Unless other financial regulations are decided upon by the EC the
general rule for all CDN events is that participants who are subject
to reimbursement can only get reimbursed for their travel costs only
in the case of 85% of their attendance of official programme
(exceptions can be made under adequately justified circumstances). - These financial regulations have to be transparent to all which are
subject to that. - The Executive Committee should comprise of 5-7 people with different
responsibilities::- Chairperson
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- eventually Vice-Chairperson
- Further responsibilities and tasks are defined by Internal
Delegation Order, which outlines the authority granted to one or
more individuals to make decisions on behalf of CDN, as well as the
procedures involved, where applicable. It is adopted by the
Executive Committee on an annual basis with 2/3 majority, detailed
proceudres are defined within the document. - The Treasurer is obliged to make a financial update to the EC at
every physical meeting (including general expenditures and incomes).
The treasurer also presents a detailed annual financial report to
the MOs and POs at the General Assembly at the end of their mandate.
- After the end of the General Assembly, the new Executive Committee
- These Executive Committee positions are to be chosen by Executive
Committee members from amongst themselves and this decision, alongside
adopted delegation order, has to be published after the first in-person EC
- In case of the lack of capacities, the Executive Committee has a right to
delegate a person outside of the EC (member of MO, OO, alumni, WG member,
etc.) to represent CDN on certain occasions. A written report has to be
presented to the Executive Committee during 10 days after the end of the
- All EC members should be coming from the countries of Central and Eastern
Europe and located in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, or the
neighbouring regions (EU/EEA, North Africa, Middle East, Central Asia)
during the whole mandate. An exception can be made if EC member travels to
different region for a maximum of 2 months period. In case this is not
satisfied, the EC has the right to replace this EC member according to
point 3.1.10.
- All Executive Committee Members are obliged to respect and represent the
wider interests of CDN and not solely represent the interests of their
- Executive Committee tasks include the following:
- Making strategic and political decisions concerning the organisation
during their term - based on the strategy and CDN's best interst; - Contribute to the implementation of Activity Plan, shaping and
adhering to the political direction while ensuring alignment with
the strategy; - Maintaining close and continuous communication with Member
organisations; - Monitoring work-flow of CDN structures;;
- Representing and promoting CDN during its and partners’ activities;
- Actively participating in the regular online and in-person EC
meetings . - Keeping track of the well-being of CDN’s Office
- Making strategic and political decisions concerning the organisation
- Study visits
The study visit is the tool to get an overview of an organisation.
The EC mandates one or several persons to perform the study visit.
Project study visit is obligatory for every international project
and activity of CDN and it must gather all necessary information
concerning the activity, capability and ability of an organisation
especially concerning their obligations as a host organisation
(including the preparation, facilities, local circumstances and
hosting environment of the activity).- At the end of the study visit, the appointed persons have to send
the report on the study visit to the members of the EC, not later
than 45 days after the study visit. The report has to provide clear
and objective picture of the situation so that, based on that
Report, the EC members can make relevant decisions.
Member, and Observer organisations:
The definition of Member and organisation is explained in detail in
the Statutes.Observer organisations have the right to fully participate in CDN's
events and Working Groups. Furthermore, observer organisations have
the right be present at the General Assembly. Reimbursement of
travel costs to statutory meetings will be done according to CDN's
financial possibilities. Observer organisations are not necessarily
bound to Eastern Europe geographically but express interest in the
political and topical issues of the region and want to get involved
and contribute to CDN.- Criteria for becoming a Member, or Observer organisation:
- General criteria:
- Youth organisation (NGO, Youth wing of Green party,
youth movements, youth of organisations that are dealing
with issues applicable with CDN aims) - Do not need to be registered, but statutes needed
- Youth organisation (NGO, Youth wing of Green party,
- Sustainability criteria:
- Not one project-based organisation
- Democratic structure (as understood by the GA on an ad
hoc basis)
- Value and issue criteria:
- Compatible with CDN Political Platform
- Open for Green values as a whole, even if actions are
streamed towards specific issues
- All Member, and Observer organisations must name one contact
person from their organisation and provide contact details to
the Secretariat. - Member, and Observer organisations can send comments,
suggestions and proposals to the EC or Secretariat at any
time. EC or Secretariat has to reflect to this motion latest 7
days after receiving. - Dismissal and suspension of Member, or Observer organisations
is explained in detail in the Statutes.
- General criteria:
Working groups and Action teams:
The Executive Committee may set up a Working Group if the following
conditions are fulfilled:The initiative working group is active for one year and had at
least two meetings;Working on a specific topic or goal to achieve that is
according to the Political Platform of CDN and its objectives;It has its own aims, goals and has activity plan for the
following year;It consists of at least 3 members from different Mos, OOs or
other organisations or interested individuals from different
countries;The Executive Committee is keeping the right not to set up the
Working Group even if the conditions above are fulfilled. In
that case is EC has to formulate and published the reasons for
that;It is recommended that one EC member is a member of the
Working Group. If there is no EC member in the Working Group
EC has to choose one of its members to follow its work. The EC
has to follow the main developments in the WG and be always
able to update the rest of EC regarding changes in the WG.
- The Working Group should have at least one meeting per year.
- Working Groups are obliged to send a report on their activities and
plans to the General Assembly. - Working Groups can propose project ideas to the EC and develop them
further with the consultative role of the Project Coordinator and
the EC responsible. CDN will then can apply for the project in the
WG name, the project coordinator will be selected by the Executive
Committee. - Executive Committee can terminate the Working Group if there is
violation of CDN Statutes, IRPs, or Political Platform, if there is
no activity for a year and no initiative for the following year, or
on the wish of the Working Group itself. - Each WG has a right to propose to the GA a social media campaign
that should last a maximum of 2 months. In case the campaign becomes
part of the CDN activity plan, the videos, pictures, texts and any
other materials that will be uploaded on CDN social media, should be
sent to the EC for comments at least 2 weeks before the start of the
campaign and the whole campaign, including the visual identity and
content, should be reviewed and confirmed by the EC and/or
Secretariat. - Action Teams are comprised of three or more people who collaborate
to accomplish specific aims or objectives within the organisation.
These teams are formed to initiate and execute projects, actions, or
campaigns aimed at advancing CDN's mission and goals. Action Teams
operate under the guidance and approval of the Executive Committee,
ensuring alignment with the organisation's Political Platform.
Prepteams are temporary bodies for the planning, organisation and
follow- up of specific projects.Prep team members are selected by the EC via an open call. In case
of prep team member opting out, EC can co-opt a new prepteam member.- At least one EC member should be part of the prepteam and be a
communication person between prepteam and EC. - Prepteam can take decisions regarding the project independently and
can consult EC for a support or in case of internal problems.
Office rules and procedures:
The daily work of the Network is carried out by the
Office/Secretariat under the responsibility of the Secretary
General.The Secretary General is elected for a two-year term by the General
Assembly. Pre-selection of candidates is carried out by Executive
Committee in accordance with the delegation order. Candidates not
selected by the Executive Committee can still run for the position
and present themselves at the General Assembly minding that they
will not have support of the Executive Committee. Final decision is
made by the General Assembly. The term of the Secretary General may
be extended once but cannot exceed two terms in total. The duration
served as an "interim Secretary General" does not count toward the
official mandate duration.- The Secretary General is responsible for the legal representation of
the organisation; managing the secretariat; coordinating the work of
the Executive Committee; supervising the HR processes; supervising
statutory activities; overseeing finances with the relevant employee
and a treasurer; overseeing external communication; keeping good
communication with partners and relevant stakeholders; representing
the organisation to 3rd parties; tracking and monitoring major
political and social developments throughout Eastern Europe. - The Secretary General has to be selected by the 2/3 majority of the
Executive Committee. - All members of the office are appointed by the Executive Committee
based on the proposal by the Secretary General. EC cannot dismiss
any member of the office without the consultation of the Secretary
General. - The office is responsible for:
- Daily Management of the organisation;
- Supervising of development and responsibility of all formal
contract obligations of projects towards funders; - External communications with 3rd parties (administrative
responsible contacts) i.e. fundraiser, organisations; - Coordination and facilitation of the CDN Activity Plan and
Strategy Statement; - Support of the EC work and facilitation of EC meetings;
- Reporting of all of its responsibilities to the EC;
- Other duties and responsibilities of the office are explained
in the internal documents of CDN and secretariat contracts.
- The detailed explanation of the work and responsibilities of the
members of the office are written and described their contracts. - The Executive Committee has to publish an open call for candidates
for any paid position longer than 3 months. - Short term employees for up to 3 month can be excluded from the open
call. - The selection criteria for an employee will be decided by the
Executive Committee.
Age limitations in events and structures:
- Participants of CDN events can't be older than 35 at the moment of
applying, while only 15% can be older than 30; - Prep Team members can’t be older than 35 at the moment of applying
for PT, while only 1/4 can be older than 30; - EC members can’t be older than 35 in at the moment of applying for
EC, while only 1/4 can be older than 30 - Office members can’t be older than 35;
- WG members should not be older than 35;
- Members of temporary structures (presidency, electoral committee,
etc.) can’t be older than 35 years old;
- Participants of CDN events can't be older than 35 at the moment of
CDN Events
In order to minimise the environmental impact of our events, all
participants, PT members, EC, office, guests and trainers should be
travelling by land to CDN events, in case their trip would last less
than 15 hours. An exception can be made for people that have health-
related issues, or urgent obligations that do not allow them to have
long travels (e.g. work, exams, etc.).At events CDN and LPT should strive for participants to have
sustainable and nutritiously balanced vegan or vegetarian diet,
unless they require different nutrition based on their medical
- IR-018 (Executive Committee (decided on: 15.02.2025), Published)
- IR-066 (Executive Committee (decided on: 15.02.2025), Published)
- IR-157 (Executive Committee (decided on: 20.02.2025), Published)
- IR-280 (Belarus Young Greens (decided on: 14.03.2025), Published)
- IR-458 (Executive Committee (decided on: 14.03.2025), Published)
- IR-463 (Belarus Young Greens (decided on: 14.03.2025), Published)