To improve the wording, so it is clear - not changing anything substantive.
Motion: | Internal Rules of Procedure |
Proposer: | Executive Committee (decided on: 20.02.2025) |
Status: | Published |
Submitted: | 21.02.2025, 14:00 |
Motion: | Internal Rules of Procedure |
Proposer: | Executive Committee (decided on: 20.02.2025) |
Status: | Published |
Submitted: | 21.02.2025, 14:00 |
These rules of procedure are supplementary and subordinate to the
Statutes of Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe,
hereinafter referred to as CDN.
These rules of procedure regulate the implementation of the Statute.
The rules of procedure for the efficient realization of the General
Assembly (GA) shall be shown and explained at the beginning of every
General Assembly.
The location of the General Assembly is to be decided by the
Executive Committee based on an open call for the host
organisation of the CDN General Assembly.
The open call for the host organisation has to be sent at
least 120 days before the General Assembly by the Secretariat.
The Minutes are to be written by members of the presidency.
The Minutes are to be passed on from the Secretary General
within 21 days after the end of the General Assembly to all
Member and organisations.
The study visit is the tool to get an overview of an organisation.
The EC mandates one or several persons to perform the study visit.
Project study visit is obligatory for every international project
and activity of CDN and it must gather all necessary information
concerning the activity, capability and ability of an organisation
especially concerning their obligations as a host organisation
(including the preparation, facilities, local circumstances and
hosting environment of the activity).
The definition of Member and organisation is explained in detail in
the Statutes.
Observer organisations have the right to fully participate in CDN's
events and Working Groups. Furthermore, observer organisations have
the right be present at the General Assembly. Reimbursement of
travel costs to statutory meetings will be done according to CDN's
financial possibilities. Observer organisations are not necessarily
bound to Eastern Europe geographically but express interest in the
political and topical issues of the region and want to get involved
and contribute to CDN.
The Executive Committee may set up a Working Group if the following
conditions are fulfilled:
The initiative working group is active for one year and had at
least two meetings;
Working on a specific topic or goal to achieve that is
according to the Political Platform of CDN and its objectives;
It has its own aims, goals and has activity plan for the
following year;
It consists of at least 3 members from different Mos, OOs or
other organisations or interested individuals from different
The Executive Committee is keeping the right not to set up the
Working Group even if the conditions above are fulfilled. In
that case is EC has to formulate and published the reasons for
It is recommended that one EC member is a member of the
Working Group. If there is no EC member in the Working Group
EC has to choose one of its members to follow its work. The EC
has to follow the main developments in the WG and be always
able to update the rest of EC regarding changes in the WG.
Prepteams are temporary bodies for the planning, organisation and
follow- up of specific projects.
Prep team members are selected by the EC via an open call. In case
of prep team member opting out, EC can co-opt a new prepteam member.
The daily work of the Network is carried out by the
Office/Secretariat under the responsibility of the Secretary
The Secretary General is elected for a two-year term by the General
Assembly. Pre-selection of candidates is carried out by Executive
Committee in accordance with the delegation order. Candidates not
selected by the Executive Committee can still run for the position
and present themselves at the General Assembly minding that they
will not have support of the Executive Committee. Final decision is
made by the General Assembly. The term of the Secretary General may
be extended once but cannot exceed two terms in total. The duration
served as an "interim Secretary General" does not count toward the
official mandate duration.
In order to minimise the environmental impact of our events, all
participants, PT members, EC, office, guests and trainers should be
travelling by land to CDN events, in case their trip would last less
than 15 hours. An exception can be made for people that have health-
related issues, or urgent obligations that do not allow them to have
long travels (e.g. work, exams, etc.).
At events CDN and LPT should strive for participants to have
sustainable and nutritiously balanced vegan or vegetarian diet,
unless they require different nutrition based on their medical
To improve the wording, so it is clear - not changing anything substantive.